Sunday, March 5, 2017

{Big Plans}

“There’s a plan greater than what we could ever imagine.” I hear that phrase or wording similar to that all the time. And with risk of contempt, it’s often overused.


When I look at my own lineage.

I think of the heartache my parents must have gone through after years of infertility: the pain, the frustration, the unfairness of it all.  But you see God had something bigger in store for them. Had they not endured that grief, their depth of gratitude for life, for God’s provision through adoption would have been different. Little did they know during those years of trying and waiting, there were 5 precious children preparing to be born. Those 5 babies and birth mothers with their own individual stories. Birth moms who made the heart wrenching decisions to give their babies a better life than they’d be able to provide, whether due to age, cultural circumstances, financial capability, or even in my case due to conception through rape.
God takes the very worst of things and creates, sculpts something bigger and greater than any of us can imagine. Let that sink in.

So even after years of aching for our third child, devastating miscarriage loss, and now being faced with a high-risk pregnancy with rough survival statistics and a lifelong disability- how could I even doubt for a minute that God has something unimaginable in store for our family. There is something amazing about to happen. There is something amazing happening NOW.

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